I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was on a Sunday.
Day #7
436 miles
Roanoke, VA to Philadelphia, PA
Virginia to West Virginia to Maryland to Pennsylvania
The final couple of days of this leg of the trip have arrived. As we near our destination, we're considering the various routes to take (this is the part of the trip about which AAA geographically challenged Stephanie said: Look at all those roads. Which way do you want to go?). We decided (thanks, Sharon) the next stop was Philadelphia. I don't think I've ever been here on any of the family cross-country trips (have I, Mom?). The first part of the trip was easy - fascinating change of scenery from the mountains of Virginia and West Virginia to the sweeping farmland of eastern Pennsylvania. We took a side trip through Lancaster County - Amish country. Beautiful country (including the "Pig Crossing" sign - missed the photo op). We felt a little weird trying to catch glimpses of the Amish people working on their farms, and were excited to pass buggies on the road -- kind of stalkerish (okay, pretend it's a word), but such an interesting glimpse into such a different life.
We stopped in Intercourse, PA (really) for a pretzel and a leg-stretch and came across Pickle Boy. He works for the Intercourse Canning Company ("Part store, part interactive attraction," really, and has "Freshly packed pickles," really -- this a not a town for the immature), and apparently his job is top secret in nature. Mimi tried to engage him in conversation (shocking), but much like a palace guard or Mickey Mouse, he is apparently not allowed to talk! [Lucy moment: "Did you ever hear the one about the dog psychiatrist who wrote a book? It's called Is Your Crocker Off His Rocker? Is Your Collie Off His Trolley? Is Your Poodle Off His Noodle?"]
We drove on - destination Philadelphia. Hence the W.C. Fields quote. It should go like this, "I once spent a year in Philadelphia. I think it was on the freeway at 5 p.m. on a Friday night." Nuf said.
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