Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day 19: I Love Lucy!

California, Here We Come!

California, Here I Come 
Right back where I started from
Where bowers of flowers, bloom in the spring
Each morning at dawning, birdies sing at everything
A sunkissed miss said, "Don't be late!"
That's why I can hardly wait 
Open up that golden gate
California, Here I Come

674 miles
New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio

Do you pop out at parties?  Are you unpoopular?
LONG driving day today.  We headed across New York to my destination of choice: the Lucy-Desi Museum and Playhouse in Jamestown.  Although I think Lucie and Desi Jr. could invest a little $$ to up the class level of the museum, it was fun and interesting.  They had mock sets, old costumes, movie memorabilia, and were airing clips from shows & movies.  The weirdest part was seeing the sets and clothes IN COLOR.  I never pictured the furniture or some costumes in anything but black and white.
Mimi in front of Lucy and Ricky's living room

Then we took the Ohio River Scenic Byway, but because of damage from last night's storms and road construction, lots of it was not so scenic.  It made for some slow going at times, so we decided to plug on to Columbus.  Unfortunately, something must be happening in Columbus (too late and too tired to figure it out right now!), and there weren't any available rooms, so we kept going all the way to Cincinnati (arriving at 10:45)!  Got in with only 5 minutes to spare to order a burger from room service (hadn't eaten since a Subway stop for lunch).  Yum.

When we planned the return trip, we sort of thought we'd be really anxious to get home, and that we'd take the quick, boring route through the middle of the country.  As we drive, we find interesting byways and sights to see, so have altered the plan a little!  Yesterday's detour to Cooperstown is one example, and looking at the map tonight, we've discovered another for Monday (more on that to come!).  Tomorrow we're off to Fancy Farm, Kentucky, so Mimi can dig a little into her roots for a change!  I don't think we'll have gravestone pictures, but we'll see some beautiful country in the Bluegrass State!

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