Sunday, December 30, 2012

Baby, It's Cold Outside

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found? J.B. Priestly

It snowed and the wind blew all night last night, so we awoke to a beautiful, white wonderland.  Then we ventured out!  The temperature was in the 20's, with the wind-chill (and believe me, there was a chill wind!) was in the teens.  We walked a few blocks, trying to visit with our old friend from the Wentworth, Abigail Stephens (she's now catering mgr. at the Langham Hotel -- but she was not in).  After a brief reprieve in the hotel, we went back out into the cold.

Strolling through Boston on a snowy morning
 Another few blocks and we retreated happily into the "T".  You've gotta love the mass transit in this city.  We've used it to get all over town (and to get out of the cold!).  Had brunch at the top of the Prudential Building (52nd floor) -- our meal of the day :).  Great meal, and you can't beat the view.

We had considered tickets to the Patriots' Game this afternoon, but decided against it when we saw the weather forecast.  After the start of the game was delayed by 3 hours, and the temperature stayed in the teens (with seats full of snow), we were relieved to have the best seats in the house -- cuddled down in front of the tv in our room!  Go Pats!

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