Saturday, December 29, 2012

On the Road Again... Boston, December 2012

Arrived in Boston yesterday.  Braved the cold (30 degrees) last night to stroll around Quincy Market, do a little shopping, grab a bite to eat, and watch a music/light show at the giant Christmas tree in the square.
We're staying at the Custom House -- beautiful building, great accommodations, perfect location.
Today, we took the T to Boston Commons and walked around town to Newbury Street -- the high-end shopping area.  Stopped into shops to get warm as the weather worked itself up to snow.  We did a little hat shopping :).
Just starting to snow!

Do you like my hat?
I do, I do, I do like your hat!

 Then we went to the New England Genealogical Society Library.  I wish I could have taken a picture of the genealogist who helped (yelled at, pressured, freaked out) us!  Let's just say that Ichabod Crane lives, and he lives in the Genealogy library in Boston!  I'd planned on taking a quick look-see, but Ichabod grilled me about all of the ancestors (WHO WAS HIS WIFE?  WHY DO YOU HAVE ALL THESE SIBLINGS?  YOU WANT A DIRECT LINE!  YOU MUST HAVE A BETTER MEMORY IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO THIS WORK!  WHY DO ALL YOU YOUNG PEOPLE THINK YOU CAN DO THIS ON YOUR LAPTOPS?  YOU NEED PAPER!  DON'T YOU KNOW THAT A REAM OF PAPER IS EASIER TO CARRY THAN A LAPTOP?) and brought out a stack of books to the ceiling for me to look through and copy!  I did my best to take some notes (sans paper!), and when he finally went on a coffee break, we hightailed it out of there.  I did find some interesting information, and hope to go back (more prepared!) later in the week.

We had a great, early, dinner at the Parish Cafe, and are hunkered down in our room watching the snow storm outside.  It's kind of amazing that the entire Boston newscast is about this storm (we counted the weather guy saying the word "snow" 18 times in one segment).  It's just like when in rains in Southern California.  Don't they expect snow in winter in Massachusetts?

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