Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 14: New Castle, NH

"Dolce Far Niente"  

Laura Petrie, The Dick Van Dyke Show

4076 miles total!
14 states!
2 Canadian provinces!

Today: 10 miles!

A day of rest.  We got settled in to our room for the week, unpacked, and sorted laundry.  Mimi went to the laundromat while I stayed back to upload photos and info to  While Mimi was out, we had a tremendous thunder storm, with rain pelting sideways and lightning.  It was much easier to wait it out from our suite at the Wentworth than our tent in the woods!
Another room with a view!
We pulled ourselves together to go to dinner with Kelly and Joe.  Great to see them -- lots of laughs and reminiscing (and ice cream!). 

Making a few plans for the week -- visiting with (pseudo) relatives, walking through downtown Portsmouth, and, especially, planning for the next lobster meal (another lobster roll for dinner tonight!).  Mostly looking forward to some relaxation and down time.

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