Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 17: Last Day in NH!

“If you don't like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.”
Mark Twain

Beautiful day today.  We walked the beaches and trails from New Castle to Odiorne Point.  How have I never discovered these nice, empty beaches before?
Beach stroll with Wentworth in background
Then we went out to Portsmouth Country Club for lunch with Steve and Andi.  Another nice visit (and another lobster roll for M!).
Tree planted at Portsmouth Country Club in memory of my dad, almost 20 years ago.

We spent the afternoon shopping around downtown Portsmouth (and weren't interrupted by a drenching thunderstorm).  The afternoon in Portsmouth was punctuated by the show above us -- the Blue Angels are practicing for the air show at Pease this weekend, so we were treated to some amazing flying feats right over our heads.
We're restocking for the ride home, which begins tomorrow!  We've sketched out a plan for the next day or two, but are kind of playing it by ear from that point forward.  We'll keep you posted as we make decisions.
Dinner at the Wentworth, looking out over the water.  Goodbye Atlantic!
I walked into this sight when we returned to our room:
 Is there any good reason Mimi is lying on the bathroom floor?
a) 2 glasses of wine
b) slip and fall
c) getting warm on the heated tiles
d) narcolepsy

(The answer is ... c.  We ate dinner out on the deck, and came back freezing.  The warmest place in the room is the heated tiles on the floor of the bathroom!  Actually, when I consider the answer choices, the real answer has to be a combination of a & c!).

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