Monday, July 8, 2013

Boston Strong!

"We are one. We are strong. We are Boston. We are Boston strong," 
                 Fenway Park announcer, after the Boston bombings

Today was a complete tourist day in Boston!  We took the T to Copley Plaza and had breakfast at Max Brenner's (chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate).  It is two storefronts away from the site of the second bombing.  Then we walked down Boyleston Street.
Finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon  

 Then we went to, as Alexis described it, "Baseball's Mecca," Fenway Park!! We went on  a really great, interesting tour, only marred by the fact that the field was being covered up for tomorrow's Paul McCartney concert.  [Alexis:  Disappointing!  The field is legendary!  Liz: Some people think Paul McCartney is pretty legendary, too!].
The view from atop the Green Monstah!

Next stop, a drink at the top of the Prudential Building (nothing like a little alcohol and a snack to quell potential whining of young travelers!).
After a little shopping on Newbury Street, then a stroll through Boston Common, we headed to Fanuiel Hall and MORE FOOD!  We have successfully eaten our way across New England.

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