Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Were You in Old Boston Town?

 Ah, were you in Boston in 1919?
Were you in old Boston town?
Molasses did flood like a brown wall of mud.
Were you in old Boston town?
                                                                       Steve Suffet

Last morning in Boston...  We set out to cram in just a little more tourist fare before we put the girls on the plane for home.  Harbor Cruise.  It was a cool morning, and we took a 90 minute cruise filled with history and trivia.  I've never done this before, and it's fun to see Boston from a different angle and to hear stories I've never heard before (Did you ever hear of the Boston Mollasacre?  The great Molasses Flood of 1919 involved the explosion of a vat causing a 15 foot wave of molasses traveling at 35 mph through a section of the North End, killing 21 and injuring 150?  This is true.  Look it up (and listen to the song cited above)!  Some residents claim that on hot summer days, they can still smell molasses!).  This was a great way to end our visit to Boston and our time with the girls.
Erin and Alexis & the USS Constitution
 Once we got the girls off to the airport, my traveling companion and I set off again!  Today was a short trip to Rhode Island (I have a meeting at the Dept. of Ed tomorrow), and upon arrival at the hotel, we both promptly crashed and took a long nap!  Traveling with little kids is exhausting, but traveling with adult kids is almost as tiring!  We kept on the move almost non-stop, sightseeing and eating (and some of us drinking - I won't mention any names), and 4 in a hotel room doesn't lend itself to a lot of sleep (even though the girls swear it was me that was snoring)!  We're pooped and stuffed and ready to return to our routine of leisurely travel and light eating, but I'll miss my baby girls!

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