Saturday, July 13, 2013

"I have decided to stick to love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." MLK

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Day 22
Missouri to Kansas - 521 miles

Today was a long drive, but we're closer to home.  We only made one stop today, in Topeka, Kansas, and I just wanted to juxtapose pictures we took at 2 different "churches" in the last week: 
Outside the Old South Church in Boston.

Outside the Westboro Baptist "Church" in Topeka

So disturbing, but right across the street is a beautiful example of light driving out darkness, and love driving out hate.

[If you're not familiar with the places in Topeka, here's a brief primer:  The Westboro Baptist Church (officially a hate group - not affiliated with any organized religion) is the church that has become infamous for picketing the funerals of soldiers with "God Hates F***s" signs.  They have also staged protests at concerts, funerals of famous people, and even one of the funerals of a victim of the Sandy Hook school shootings.  The Rainbow House was purchased by the founder of the charity Planting Peace, directly across the street from WBC and painted it in bright rainbow colors. A very bright spot of hope in a very dark and disturbing place.] 

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