Monday, June 23, 2014

Operation Cycle Tuscany: Day 10 -- Bound for Rome

All Roads lead to Rome.

                                                   -Milliarium Aureum

This morning we left Agriturismo Montebelli and boarded the bus for the nearly 3 hour ride to Rome.  We were all beat, and most of us slept most of the way. 
Chris & Jeanne, ready to roll
Jacob and Harry, sad to be leaving
 When we checked into the Visconti Palace Hotel, we were ready to crash, but decided we'd better keep moving!  Some of us walked around the city (pretty hot and dirty), to the Spanish Steps and to lunch.  Then, back to the hotel for a nap!
On the Spanish Steps
Chris, Jeanne, and David with their Grande Birras.  When we got the check, we saw they were 13 Euros each!!
After naps, we headed to Piazza Navona to meet most of our fellow travelers for a last dinner.  The food was wonderful, the weather was perfect, and the company was fabulous.  We've really bonded with these people, and have established relationships that I'm sure will continue long after this trip.  The dinner was almost magical as we talked and laughed and ate, all to the background music of the street musicians.  A perfect way to end our time together!

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